Saturday, 23 April 2011

The Easter Weekend

This Easter weekend, I would like to write on the TRUTH of Easter and not about bunnies and eggs. Enjoy:

Two thousand years ago on earth was placed,
The Son of God, innocent, took our place,
Of whom the Romans chose to slay.

See! See his face,
Written all over the expression of distaste,
Died in a sinner's place,
That life may be given to the human race.

He was flogged for my evil deeds,
His brow pierced for my evil thoughts,
His legs nailed for my misleads,
His side pierced for my darkened heart,
And his hands, his hands nailed for my wrong doings.

As he hung on the cross of wood,
He did not plead like he should,
He asked for water, vinegar was given,
And He made human and God even.

The earth was shrouded as he hung there,
And cried out His last words,
He said "It is finished", that our injustice made fair,
For our ransom He paid with blood,
For our life He gave His life.

The curtain torn into two,
That we may enter God's presence,
For in Him, He let us to.

Three days He rose from the dead,
The people have no words to be said.

He returned not of flesh but of spirit,
For 'twas the power of God's love.

Hosanna in the highest!