We were born from our mother's wound, Who Doesn't?
We are getting older every second, Who Doesn't?
We are getting better in something everyday, Who Doesn't?
We sin everytime, Who Doesn't?
We ignore God sometimes, and some still do, Who Doesn't?
Let us not ignore God,
Do His Will!
We are alive to share the good news,
To bring more people to know God,
To stop them from having misery, and giving them Joy instead,
Help the ones that you love,
and everyone else in this earth!
John 10:10
Jesus Says,"I have come so they may have life,
And have it to the full"
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is Death,
But the Gift of God is Eternat Life through Jesus Christ
John 3:16
For God so Love The World, That He gave His one and only son
(Jesus Christ),
For whoever believes in Him, Shall not perish but have Eternal Life.
John 14:6
Jesus says,"I am The Way, The Truth, And The Life,
No one comes to The Father except through Me."
John 6:47
Jesus says,"He who believes have everlasting life."
So let us all Believe,
Equip Ourselves with Armory Of God,
Attack the forces of evil,
"They have come to steal, kill, and destroy."
Share the good news,
We may fall,
But The Holy Spirit will guide us in all our ways.
Start to Share this good news!
And you'll have Abundance Blessings from God!
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